Danggui Buxue Tang (A Chinese Angelica Decoction): A Sample Trial in Traditional Chinese Medicine Standardization
The major stumbling block on the internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is lacking a complete set of quality standards that can be recognized and accepted by the international community through an objective and stringent validation process. That is to say, Chinese medicine needs to be standardized. The standardization is set by the state and the international regulation authorities that demand scientific proof on the safety, quality and efficacy of TCM. By using the simplest TCM formula Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT; 當歸補血湯), here we present some existing problems and current strategy to tackle this task based on the uniqueness of Chinese medicines. DBT is a simple TCM preparation that has been commonly used among Chinese people for about 800 years. The use of DBT was first recorded in Neiwaishang Bianhuo Lun (內外傷辨惑論) by Li Dongyuan (李東垣) in 1247, who described that the formulation should contain two herbs: Astragali Radix (Huangqi; 黄芪) and Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Danggui; 當歸) in a weight ratio of 5 to 1, and boiled in 2 bowls of water by moderate heat until the final volume was reduced by half. DBT is prescribed for woman to improve menopausal symptoms. The Chinese medicine doctor would recommend that the patient should drink DBT decoction daily, which would increase the “Qi” and nourish the “Blood” of individual. To understand the mechanism of DBT, we performed chemical and biological assays to identify active ingredients in the decoction and to develop method for its quality assurance.
詹华强教授毕业于香港中文大学生物化学系并先后取得一级荣誉学位和硕士学位;继而到英国剑桥大学从事神经分子生物学研究,并于1987年获得神经分子生物学博士学位。其后分别在英国剑桥大学及美国斯坦福大学进行博士后研究工作;1992年开始在香港科技大学生物系任教, 现为香港科技大学生命科学部讲座教授,香港科技大学中药研发中心主任;同时担任深圳市可食用及药用资源研究重点实验室主任、香港中医药生物科技联会的创会会长。在国际和国内著名杂志发表500余篇学术论文,并担任数份著名杂志的编辑。目前致力于利用分子生物学技术检测中药材的基因特征及化学性质,中药材地道性和中药复方的机理研究。就中药材标准化,为不同的国际及国内机构担任顾问与委员,包括:世界卫生组织传统医药合作中心顾问、香港特别行政区中药专家委员会委员、香港中药标准科学委员会专家。