





张昭宇教授分别于1998和2001年在中国科学技术大学获应用力学专业的学士和硕士学位;2007年获加州理工学院电子工程博士学位。2008至2011年,他在加州大学伯克利分校化学系从事博士后研究,同时受聘于劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室。2011至2015年,他受聘北京大学副教授,成立纳米光电子实验室“Nano OptoElectronics Lab (NOEL)”。 2015年,他入职香港中文大学(深圳),2016年作为负责人获得深圳半导体激光器重点实验室项目支持并任实验室主任。他主要的工作成绩包括制成第一个红光光子晶体激光器、第一个尺寸小于1微米的激光器,第一个微流控染料激光器,第一个光泵浦可单片集成硅基光子晶体激光器等。在《Nature Communications》《Advanced Materials》《Physics Review Letters》《Optica》《Photonics research》《Optics Letters》《Applied Physics Letters》等国际刊物发表多篇文章。更多信息和职位开放情况请登陆课题组主页查询。


1.Taojie Zhou, Mingchu Tang, Guohong Xiang, Boyuan Xiang, Suikong Hark, Mickael Martin, Thierry Baron, Shujie Pan, Jae-Seong Park, Zizhuo Liu, Siming Chen*, Zhaoyu Zhang,* and Huiyun Liu,* "Continuous-wave quantum-dot photonic crystal lasers grown on on-axis silicon (001)", Nature Communications, Vol 11, February 20, 2020 
2.Xiaoli Zhang, Huafeng Shi, Haitao Dai, Xinhai Zhang, Xiao Wei Sun* and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Exciton-Polariton Properties in Planar Microcavity of Millimeter-Sized 2D Perovskite Sheet", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Vol 12, Issue 4, 5081-5089, January 6, 2020
3.Xiaomeng Li, Jieshun Cui, Qiankai Ba, Zhe Zhang, Shaoqing Chen, Guoxin Yin, Yu Wang, Bobo Li, Guohong Xiang, Kwang Soo Kim, Hu Xu, Zhaoyu Zhang,* Hsing-Lin Wang,* "Multiphotoluminescence from a triphenylamine derivative and its application in white organic light-emitting diodes based on a single emissive layer", Advanced Materials, Vol 31, Issue 23, 1900613, June 6, 2019 
4.Taojie Zhou, Mingchu Tang, Guohong Xiang, Xuan Fang, Xiu Liu, Boyuan Xiang, Suikong Hark, Mickael Martin, Marin-Leonor Touraton, Thierry Baron, Ying Lu, Siming Chen, Huiyun Liu, Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Ultra-low threshold InAs/GaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers on planar on-axis Si (001) substrates", Optica, Vol 6, Issue 4, p430, Apr 20, 2019 (IF : 9.26 Q1 JCR: 4/95 in Optics)
5.Xiu Liu, Lijuan Wang, Xuan Fang, Taojie Zhou, Guohong Xiang, Boyuan Xiang, Xueqing Chen, Suikong Hark, Hao Liang, Shuming Wang,* and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Continuous Wave Operation of GaAsBi Microdisk Lasers at Room Temperature with Large Wavelengths Ranging from 1.27 to 1.41 μm", Photonics Research, Vol 7, Issue 5, p508, May 1, 2019 (IF : 5.52 Q1 JCR: 9/95 in Optics)
6.Bobo Li, Taojie Zhou, Xuan Fang, Weilin Zhang, Xiaomeng Li, Zhiqiang Guan, Jiaying Li, Liang Wang, Suikong Hark and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Temperature dependent geometry in perovskite microcrystals for whispering gallery and Fabry-Pérot mode lasing", Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol 7, Issue 14, p 4102, Apr 14, 2019 (IF: 6.64 Q1 JCR: 20/148 in Applied Physics)
7.Taojie Zhou, Guohong Xiang, Xuan Fang, Boyuan Xiang, Xiu Liu, Suikong Hark, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Cantilever-based freestanding InGaP/InGaAlP quantum wells microring lasers", Applied Physics Letters, Vol 114, Issue 7, 071103, Feb 18, 2019 (IF: 3.52 Q1 JCR: 31/148 in Applied Physics)
8.Taojie Zhou, Jie Zhou, Yuzhou Cui, Xiu Liu, Jiagen Li, Kebo He, Xuan Fang, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Microscale local strain gauges based on visible micro-disk lasers embedded in a flexible substrate", Optics Express, Vol 26, Issue 13, p16797, Jun 25, 2018 (IF : 3.56 Q1 JCR: 20/95 in Optics)
9.Taojie Zhou, Xiu Liu, Yuzhou Cui, Yuansen Cheng, Xuan Fang, Weilin Zhang, Boyuan Xiang, Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Cantilever-based microring lasers embedded in a deformable substrate for local strain gauges", AIP Advances, Vol 8, Issue 7, 075306, Jul 2018 (IF : 1.58 Q2 JCR: 95/148 in Applied Physics)
10.Bobo Li, Xiaomeng Li, Xia Li, Haolin Liu, Zhaonan Li, Guohong Xiang, Yuhan Liu, Taojie Zhou, Xuan Fang and Zhaoyu Zhang*. "A simple method to improve the performance of perovskite light-emitting diodes via layer-by-layer spin-coating CsPbBr3 quantum dots", RSC Advances, Vol 8, Issue 48, p272201, 2018 (IF : 3.05 Q2 JCR: 69/172 in Multidisciplinary Chemistry)
11.Xu Han, Kebo He, Zhubing He, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Tungsten-based highly selective solar absorber using simple nanodisk array", Optics Express, Vol 25, Issue 24, pA1072, Nov 27, 2017 (IF : 3.56 Q1 JCR: 20/95 in Optics)
12.Jie Zhou, Taojie Zhou, Jiagen Li, Kebo He, Zhiren Qiu, Bocang Qiu, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Proposal and numerical study of a flexible visible photonic crystal defect cavity for nanoscale strain sensors", Optics Express, Vol 25, Issue 20, p23645, Oct 2, 2017
13.Taojie Zhou, Jiagen Li, Jie Zhou, Kebo He, Zhiren Qiu, Bocang Qiu, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Two-dimensional fivefold photonic crystal microcavity", Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol 11, Issue 4, 046013, Oct 2017 (IF : 1.43 Q3 JCR: 64/95 in Optics)
14.Jie Zhou, Feifei Shi, Taojie Zhou, Kebo He, Bocang Qiu, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Characteristic analysis and comparison of two kinds of hybrid plasmonic annular resonators", Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol 11, Issue 2, 026006, Apr 2017 (IF : 1.43 Q3 JCR: 64/95 in Optics)
15.Xu Han, Fengyun Zhao, Kebo He, Zhubing He, and Zhaoyu Zhang,* "Near-perfect absorber of infrared radiation based on Au nanorod arrays", Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol 11, Issue 1, 016018, Jan 2017