



博士 (中国科学技术大学)

学士 (中南大学湘雅医学院)


杜洋教授于中南大学湘雅医学院和中国科大取得学士和博士学位后,赴美国斯坦福大学医学院,师从2012年诺贝尔化学奖得主布莱恩·科比尔卡(Brian Kobilka)教授,从事G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)相关的博士后研究,并于2016年转为斯坦福医学中心研究科学家(Research Scientist)。期间获得美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)全额博士后奖学金和斯坦福心血管研究所(Stanford CVI)资助等,并获得美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校医学院助理教授职位,主要方向是对心脑肠轴特异分布的重要GPCR进行结构功能研究,并针对神经精神疾病从事创新药物发现。

杜教授迄今已发表近80篇高质量SCI论文,包括以通讯或第一作者在Cell、Science、Nature Comm、Science Adv、Cell Res、Cell Dist、STTT、JACSPNAS等国际一流期刊报道的科研成果,并受邀为Science、Cell ResNature Comm等多种国际主流科学杂志审稿。现为港中大(深圳)医学院长聘制(tenured)教授系列、博士生导师,科比尔卡创新药物开发研究院研究员。杜教授已入选国家级、广东省和深圳市等各级人才项目,现承担十几项国家等各级科研项目,并与多家上市医药公司开展技术攻关合作。曾获得深圳市优秀教师、校长模范教学奖和大学青年科研创新奖等荣誉奖励,担任中华医学会航海医学转化副主委等。


27. Wu Z, Chen G, Qiu, C, Yan X, Xu L, Jiang S, Xu J, Han R, Shi T, Liu Y, Gao W, Wang Q, Li J, Ye F, Pan X, Zhang Z, Ning P, Zhang B, Chen J, Du Y#. Structural basis for the ligand recognition and G-protein subtype selectivity of kisspeptin receptor. Science Adv, 2024, accepted
26. Ham D, Inoue A, Xu J, Du Y#, Chung KY#. Molecular mechanism of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 interaction with Gq. Commun Biol. 2024 Mar 23;7(1):362. doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06056-1
25. Chen G*, Staffen N*, Wu Z, Xu X, Pan J, Inoue A, Shi T, Gmerner P, Du Y#, Xu J#. Structural and functional characterization of the endogenous agonist for orphan receptor GPR3. Cell Res, 2024 Jan 30
24. Zhou D, Huang J, Zheng H, Liu Y, Zhu S, Du Y#. Insight into Fructose-to-Sucrose Ratio as the Potential Target of Urinalysis in Bladder Cancer. Metabolites, 2024 (14), 345. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo14060345
23. Pan X*, Ye F*, Ning P, Zhang Z, Li X, Zhang B, Wang Q, Chen G, Gao W, Qiu C, Wu Z, Li J, Zhu L, Xia J#, Gong K#, Du Y#. Structural insights into ligand recognition and selectivity of the human hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor HCAR2. Cell Dis, 2023 Nov 28;9(1):118
22. Wong TS*, Li G*, Li S*, Gao W, Chen G, Gan S, Zhang M, Li H#, Wu S#, Du Y#. G protein-coupled Receptors in Nervous System and Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 2023 8(1):177. doi: 10.1038/s41392-023-01427-2
21. Wang J*, Chen G*, Liao Q*, Lyu W, Liu A, Zhu L, Du Y#, Ye RD#. Cryo-EM structure of the human chemerin receptor 1 – Gi protein complex bound to the C- terminal nonapeptide of chemerin. PNAS, 2023, Mar 14;120(11):e2214324120
20. Xu J, Cao S, Hubner H, Weikert D, Chen G, Lu Q, Yuan D, Gmerner P#, Liu Z#, Du Y#. Structural insights into ligand recognition, activation and signaling bias of the α2A adrenergic receptor. Science Advances, 2022, Mar 4;8(9):eabj5347
19. Chen G, Xu J, Inoue A, Schmidt MF, Bai C, Lu Q, Gmerner P#, Liu Z#, Du Y#. Structure of the orphan GPR88-Gi complex reveals unique ligand binding and signaling mechanism. Nature Commun., 2022, May 2;13(1):2375.
18. Du Y*, Duc NM*, Rasmussen SGF*, Hilger D, Kubiak X, Wang L, Kim HR, Wegrecki M, Asuru A, Jeong KM, Lee J, Chance M, Lodowski DT, Kobilka BK, Chung KY. Assembly of a GPCR-G protein complex. Cell, 2019, 177(5):1232-1242
17. Wang Q*, Lu Q*, Guo Q, Teng M, Gong Q, Li X, Du Y#, Liu Zheng#, Tao Y#. Structural basis of the ligand binding and signaling mechanism of melatonin receptors. Nature Commun., 2022 Jan 24;13(1):454.
16. Wong TS*, Gao W*, Chen G*, Qiu C*, He G, Ye F, Wu Z, Zeng Z, Du Y#. Cryo-EM structure of orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR21. MedComm, 2023 Jan 25;4(1):e205
15. Ye F*, Wong TS*, Chen G*, Zhang Z, Zhang B, Gan S, Gao W, Li J, Wu Z, Pan X, Du Y#. Cryo-EM structure of G-protein-coupled receptor GPR17 in complex with inhibitory G protein. MedComm, 2022 Sep 10;3(4):e159
14. Flink EA*, Xu J*, Hubner H*, Braz J*, Seemann P*, Avet C, Craik V, Weikert D, Schmidt MF, Webb CM,    Tolmachova NA, Moroz Y, Kalyanaraman C, Gahbauer S, Chen G, Jacobson MP, Irwin J, Du Y#, Schoichet BK, Huang XP, Kalyanaraman C, Gahbauer S, Chen G, Liu Z, Jacobson MP, Irwin JJ, Mouvier M, Du Y, Schoichet BK, Basbaum AI, Gmerner P. Structure-based discovery of nonopioid analgesics acting through the α2A-adrenergic receptor. Science, 2022 Sep 30;377(6614):eabn7065
13. Chen G, Wang X, Liao Q, Ge Y, Jiao H, Chen Q, Liu Y, Du Y#, Hu H#, Ye RD#. Structural Basis for Recognition of N-Formyl Peptides as Pathogen- and Damage- associated Molecular Patterns. Nature Commun., 2022 Sep 5;13(1):5232
12. Chen G*, Gao W, Du Y#. Identification of a Sialosides binding pocket in early- lineage Sars-Cov-2 virus via an optimized STD NMR method: a novel explanation for coronavirus virulence and zoonosis. Molecular Biomedicine, 2022, accepted
11. Xiao P*, Yan W*, Gou L*, Zhong YN*, Kong L*, Wu C, Wen X, Yuan Y, Qu C, Yang X, Zhang C, Xia A, Yang CC, Hou GH, Fu P, Yang S, Rosenbaum DM, Sun JP, Du Y#, Zhang L#, Yu X#, Shao Z#. Ligand recognition and allosteric regulation of dopamine D1 receptor-Gs signaling complexes. Cell, 2021, 184(4):943-956
10. Wang L*, Xu J*, Cao S, Sun D, Liu H, Liu Z, Du Y#, Zhang C#. Cryo-EM structure of the AVP-vasopressin receptor 2-Gs signaling complex. Cell Research, 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41422-021-00483-z
9. Kim HR*, Xu J*, Maeda S, Duc NM, Ahn D, Du Y#, Chung KY. Structural mechanism underlying primary and secondary coupling between GPCRs and the Gi/o family. Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 22;11(1):3160
8. Bai C#, Wang J, Chen G, Zhang H, Xu P, Du Y#, Ye RD#, Saha A, Zhang A, Warshel A#. Predicting Mutational Effects on Receptor Binding of the SARS-CoV-2 Variants. J Am Chem Soc., 2021, 143, 42, 17646–17654
7. Komolov KE*, Du Y*, Duc NM, Betz R, Rodrigues J, Leib RD, Patra D, Skiniotis G, Adams CM, Dror R, Chung KY, Kobilka BK, Benovic JL. Structural and functional analysis of a β2-Adrenergic Receptor Complex with GRK5. Cell (2017) 169: 407-421
6. Das M*, Du Y*, Ribeiro O, Hariharan P, Mortensen JS, Patra D, Skiniotis G, Loland CJ, Guan L, Kobilka BK, Byrne B, Chae, PS. Conformationally preorganized diastereomeric norbornane-based maltosides (NBMs) for membrane protein study: Implications of detergent kink for micellar properties. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2017) 139: 3072-81
5. Ehsan M*, Du Y*, Scull NJ, Tikhonova E, Tarrasch J, Mortensen JS, Loland CJ, Skiniotis G, Guan L, Byrne B, Kobilka BK, Chae PS. Highly Branched Penta- Saccharide-Bearing Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Studies. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2016) 138: 3789-96
4. Sadaf A*, Du Y*, Hariharan P, Mortensen JS, Perez IM, Seven AB, Santillan C, Skiniotis G, Loland CJ, Kobilka BK, Guan L, Byrne B, Chae PS. Dendronic trimaltoside amphiphiles (DTMs) for membrane protein structure study. Chemical Science (2017) 8: 1169-1177
3. Duc NM*, Du Y*, Thorsen TS, Lee SY, Zhang C, Kato H, Kobilka BK, Chung KY. Effective Application of Bicelles for Conformational Analysis of G Protein-Coupled Receptors by Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc.
Mass. Spectrom. (2015) 26: 808-817
2. Du Y*, Shi WW*, He YX, Yang YH, Zhou CZ, Chen Y. Structures of the substrate- binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of Bacillus subtilis ABC transporter OpuC. Biochemical J. (2011) 436: 283-289
1. Du Y*, He YX*, Zhang ZY, Yang YH, Shi WW, Frolet C, Di Guilmi AM, Vernet T, Zhou CZ, and Chen Y. Crystal structure of the mucin-binding protein of Spr1345 from Streptococcus pneumoniae. J. of Struct. Biol. 2011, 174: 252-257