



博士 (多伦多大学)

学士 (安徽医科大学)



李丛磊博士于2007年在安徽医科大学获得本科学位(临床医学专业),并于2012年获加拿大多伦多大学博士学位(实验医学与病理专业)。博士期间获授多伦多大学Connaught Scholarships 的资助,师从加拿大健康科学院院士Heyu Ni教授,探索抗血小板抗体的致病机理。李博士于2011年荣获中国“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。

之后,李博士在多伦多大学免疫学系Jennifer Gommerman教授和Alberto Martin教授的实验室开展博士后课题研究,探索宿主针对轮状病毒和肠道菌群而产生抗体的机制,并于2018年被聘为多伦多大学免疫学系的副研究员。期间获授加拿大健康研究院(CIHR)博士后研究基金的资助,并分别获得加拿大名校达尔豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)的助理教授(Tier 2 Canada Research Chair)职位、以及加拿大国家科学研究中心(Institut national de la recherché scientifique)助理教授职位(均已婉拒)。

李博士于2021年12月加入香港中文大学(深圳)医学院,当前研究方向为:1)新型DNA修复因子在抗体生成、感染性疾病以及肿瘤中的作用; 2)基质细胞微环境和免疫细胞之间的相互作用。李博士已以第一作者或通讯作者在国际高水平期刊Nature (2021), Science Immunology (2019), Nature Communications (2018), Cell Reports (2016), Journal of Clinical Investigation (2012), Blood (2010) 等发表论文多篇。

此外,李教授担任Frontiers in Immunology的Review Editor。现主持国家自然科学基金委和深圳市科创委等多项基金项目。



1. Li C#, Ward LA, Lam E, Nguyen A, Dasoveanu D, Ahmed M, Haniuda K, Buechler MB, He HH, Ludewig B, McNagny KM and Gommerman JL. Neonatal LTbR signaling is required for the accumulation of eosinophils in the inflamed adult mesenteric lymph node. Mucosal Immunology, 2022, 15(3): 418-427 (# Corresponding author).

2. Feng Y*, Li C*, Stewart J, Barbulescu P, Desivo NS, Quilon AA, Pezo RC, Perera MLW, Chan K, Tong AHY, Mohamad-Ramshan R, Berru M, Nakib D, Li G, Kardar GA, Carlyle J, Moffat J, Durocher D, Di Noia JM, Bhagwat AS and Martin A. FAM72A antagonizes UNG2 to promote mutagenic repair during antibody maturation, Nature, Dec 9th 2021, 600(7888): 324-328 (* Shared first author).

(This paper was published back to back in Nature with this related paper: Rogier M et al, Fam72a enforces error-prone DNA repair during antibody diversification, Nature, Dec 9th 2021, 600(7888): 329-333).



1. Li C#, Li J and Ni H#. Crosstalk between platelets and microbial pathogens. Frontiers in Immunology, 2020 Aug 7;11: 1962 (# Corresponding author).

2. Li C, Lam E, Perez-Shibayama C, Ward LA, Zhang J, Lee D, Nguyen A, Ahmed M, Brownlie E, Korneev KV, Rojas O, Sun T, Navarre W, He HH, Liao S, Martin A, Ludewig B and Gommerman JL. Early-life programming of mesenteric lymph node stromal cell identity by the lymphotoxin pathway regulates adult mucosal immunity. Science Immunology, 2019 Dec 20, 4(42). pii: eaax1027.

3. Li C, Irrazabal T, So CS, Berru M, Du L, Lam E, Ling AK, Gommerman JL, Pan-Hammarstrom Q and Martin A. The H2B deubiquitinase Usp22 promotes antibody class switch recombination by facilitating non-homologous end joining, Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1): 1006.

4. Ramachandran S*, Haddad D*, Li C*, Le MX*, Ling AK, So CC, Nepal RM, Gommerman JL, Yu K, Ketala T, Moffat J and Martin A. The SAGA deubiquitination module promotes DNA repair and class switch recombination through ATM and DNAPK-mediated gH2AX formation. Cell Reports, 2016, 15(7): 1554-65 (* Co-first authors).

5. Li C, Chen P, Vadasz B, Ma L, Zhou H, Lang S, Freedman J, Ni H. Co-stimulation with LPS or Poly I:C markedly enhances the anti-platelet immune response and severity of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2013, 110(6): 1250-8. 

6. Li C, Li J, Li Y, Lang S, Yougbare I, Zhu G, Chen P and Ni H. Crosstalk between platelets and the immune system: old systems with new discoveries. Advances in Hematology, 2012; 2012: 384685.

7. Li C, Piran S, Chen P, Lang S, Zarpello A, Jin JW, Zhu G, Reheman A, van der Wal E, Simpson EK, Ni R, Gross PG, Ware J, Ruggeri ZM, Freedman J and Ni H. The maternal immune response to fetal platelet GPIba causes the frequent miscarriage in mice that can be prevented by intravenous IgG and anti-FcRn therapies. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, 121(11): 4537-47 (Editorial commentary, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011, 121(11): 4241-3).

8. Chen P*, Li C*, Lang S, Zhu G, Reheman A, Spring CM, Freedman J and Ni H. Animal model of fetal and neonatal immune thrombocytopenia: role of neonatal Fc receptor in the pathogenesis and therapy. Blood, 2010, 116(18): 3660-8 (* These two authors contributed equally to this work) (Editorial commentary, Blood, 2010, 116 (18): 3384-6).

9. Chu D*, Li C*, Wu Q and Shen J. Paeoniflorin prevents hepatic fibrosis of Schistosomiasis Japonica by inhibiting TGF-b1 production from macrophages in mice. Frontiers of Medicine (formerly Frontiers of Medicine in China), 2008, 2(2): 154-165 (*These authors contributed equally to this work).