CHAN, Ho Wai Howard

Associate Dean (Faculty Affairs), Executive Director of CUHK-Shenzhen Medical Centre Planning Office
FRCPC (Canada), FRCP (Ireland), FRCP (Glasgow)

Presidential Chair Professor, Professor (Clinical)

Education Background

Master of Science (McMaster University)

Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Research Field
Thrombosis & Hemostasis, Platelet Immunology; Evidence-based Health Management; Problem-based, Self-directed Education

Prof. Howard Chan graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1987. After further training at McMaster University, he was awarded the Fellowships of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Glasgow, and Ireland in Internal Medicine and Hematology. He returned to China in 2016 to join the Hong Kong University-Shenzhen (HKU-SZ) Hospital for medical reform. He advocates holistic health management with health screening services as the first encounter to establish the doctor-patient rapport for Family Medicine practice. As a result, the Health Screening Program of HKU-SZ Hospital and its community health center were awarded the Centers of Excellence in 2020-2021. He served as the Deputy Medical Director of Raffles Hospitals in Chongqing and Shanghai for two years until 2023.

Academic Publications

Selected Publications

  1. Liu L, Luo M, Chan YS, Chan HH. The planning and implementation of COVID-19 mass vaccination in a megacity in China.  Asia Pac J Public Health. 2022 Sep 24;10105395221125998
  2. Chung J, Stevic I, Gantioqui J, Atkinson H, Chan AKC, Chan HH. Effect of unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin on the clotting of platelet-reduced whole blood: an in-vitro study utilizing thromboelastography.  Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis.  2021 Jul 1;32(5):305-311.
  3. Mian O, Matino D, Roberts R, McDonald E, Chan AKC, Chan HH.  Potential Risk Factors Contributing to Development of Venous Thromboembolism for Total Knee Replacements Patients Prophylaxed With Rivaroxaban: A Retrospective Case-Control Study. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2020 Jan-Dec;26: 1076029620962226.
  4. Nossair FF, Chan HH, Gantioqui J, Atkinson HM, Berry LR, Chan AKC.  In-vitro assessment of the effect of dabigatran on thrombosis of adult and neonatal plasma: comparisons using thromboelastography and microscopic visualization of fibrin clot structure. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2017 Oct;28(7):551-557.
  5. Kwan C, Chan HH, Chan AKC. Heterogeneity of information regarding inhibitors in the product monographs of antihemophilic factors in North America. Haemophilia. 2015 Sep; 21(5):e448-51.
  6. Stevic I, Kozenko M, Lostracco R, Chan AKC, Chan HH. Phenotype presentation for a novel mutation affecting a conserved cysteine residue in exon 63 of fibrillin-1 (Cys2633Arg). Biochem Genet. 2014 Jun; 52(5-6):225-32.
  7. Lau KK, Chan HH, Massicotte P, Chan AKC. Thrombotic complications of neonates and children with congenital nephrotic syndrome. Curr Pediatr Rev. 2014; 10(3):169-76.
  8. Lee FM, Chan AKC, Lau KK, Chan HH. Reversal of new, factor-specific oral anticoagulants by rFVIIa, prothrombin complex concentrate and activated prothrombin complex concentrate: a review of animal and human studies. Thromb Res. 2014 May; 133(5):705-13.
  9. Stevic I, Chan HH, Chander A, Berry LR, Chan AKC.  Covalently linking heparin to antithrombin enhances prothrombinase inhibition on activated platelets. ThrombHaemost. 2013 Jun; 109(6):1016-24.
  10. Fredenburgh JC, Leslie BA, Stafford AR, Lim T, Chan HH, Weitz JI. Zn2+ mediates high-affinity binding of heparin to the aC domain of fibrinogen. J Biol Chem. 2013 Oct 11; 288(41):29394-402.
  11. Stevic I, Chan HH, Berry LR, Chander A, Chan AKC. Inhibition of the prothrombinase complex on red blood cells by heparin and covalent antithrombin-heparin complex. J Biochem. 2013 Jan; 153(1):103-10.
  12. Linkins LA, Bates SM, Lang E, Kahn SR, Douketis JD, Julian J, Parpia S, Gross P, Weitz JI, Spencer FA, Lee AY, O'Donnell MJ, Crowther MA, Chan HH, Lim W, Schulman S, Ginsberg JS, Kearon C. Selective D-dimer testing for diagnosis of a first suspected episode of deep venous thrombosis: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Jan 15;158(2):93-100.
  13. Chan HH, Leslie BA, Stafford AR, Roberts RS, Al-Aswad NN, Fredenburgh JC, Weitz JI. By increasing the affinity of heparin for fibrin, Zn(2+) promotes the formation of a ternary heparin-thrombin-fibrin complex that protects thrombin from inhibition by antithrombin. Biochemistry. 2012 Oct 9; 51(40):7964-73.
  14. Steele M, Chan HH, Steele J, Chan AKC, Lau KK. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in pediatric patients. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi [Chin J Contemp Pediatr]. 2012 Nov; 14(11):803-10.
  15. Chan HH, Lau KK, Chan AKCC. A Surfacing Hematological Problem. Ibnosina J Med BS. 2012 Jun;4(3):103-5.
  16. Tan NSY, Lau KK, Chan AKCC, Neary JD, Chan HH. Optimal timing of CT scanning after mild head injury in a patient taking warfarin therapy. International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI). Apr 2012.
  17. Lau KK, Giglia L, Chan HH, Chan AKCC. Management of children after renal transplantation: highlights for general pediatricians. Transl Pediatr. 2012 Jul; 1(1):35-46.
  18. Lau KK, Giglia L, Chan HH, Chan AKCC. [Management of children after renal transplantation: highlights for general pediatricians] [Article in Chinese]. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi [Chin J Contemp Pediatr]. 2012 Feb; 14(2):81--8.
  19. Stevic I, Chan HH, Chan AKCC. Carotid artery dissections: thrombosis of the false lumen. Thromb Res. 2011 Oct; 128(4):317-24.
  20. Ghanny S, Ross C, Chan AKCC, Chan HH. Coagulopathy in a patient with nephrotic syndrome. Am J Hematol. 2010 Sep; 85(9):708-10.
  21. Al-Hashimi AA, Caldwell J, Gonzalez-Gronow M, Pizzo SV, Aboumrad D, Pozza L, Al-Bayati H, Weitz JI, Stafford A, Chan HH, Kapoor A, Jacobsen DW, Dickhout JG, Austin RC. Binding of anti-GRP78 autoantibodies to cell surface GRP78 increases tissue factor procoagulant activity via the release of calcium from endoplasmic reticulum stores. J Biol Chem. 2010 Sep 10; 285(37):28912-23.
  22. Arnold DM, Nazi I, Santos A, Chan HH, Heddle NM, Warkentin TE, Kelton JG. Combination immunosuppressant therapy for patients with chronic refractory immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood.  2010 Jan 7;115(1):29-31.
  23. Chan HH, Brimble KS, Lau KK, Chan AKC. Scurvy: an old disease in modern society. Internet J Intern Med. 2010; Volume 9, Issue 1.
  24. Chan HH, Moore JC, Finch CN, Warkentin TE, Kelton JG. The IgG subclasses of platelet associated autoantibodies direct against platelet glycoproteins IIb/IIIa in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Br J Haematol. 2003Sep; 122(5):818-24.
  25. Chan HH, Douketis JD, Nowaczyk MJ. Acute renal vein thrombosis, oral contraceptive use, and hyperhomocysteinemia. Mayo Clin Proc 2001Feb; 76(2):212-214.
  26. Chung J, Mian O, Stevic I, Afraz S, Chan A, Chan HH, Evers BM, Matino D. Effects of prolonged tourniquet application on coagulation and fibrinolysis in rat. Thrombosis Update 2024;14:100163(Abstract published in Blood, 2023;142:5411-5412)