Founding Dean
World's Top 2% Scientist; Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences; Honorary Professor, CUHK; Fellow, The Royal Society of Medicine, United Kingdom; Fellow, The Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada; Honorary Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anasthesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Western University; Adjunct Full Professor, University of Toronto
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor
Research Field: Evidence-based clinical decision-making, Health technology assessment, Health policy, Perioperative surgical, Anesthesia care, Cardiac surgery, Critical care medicine, AI Medical education and curriculum
Executive Deputy Director of CUHK-Shenzhen Medical Centre Planning Office
FRCPC (Canada), FRCP (Ireland), FRCP (Glasgow)
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor (Clinical)
Research Field: Thrombosis & Hemostasis, Platelet Immunology; Evidence-based Health Management; Problem-based, Self-directed Education