Executive Director of Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor
Research Field: Pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacology, translational research, precision medicine
Email: huangz@cuhk.edu.cn
Leader of M4 Curriculum in Clinical Medicine Programme
Professor (Clinical)
Research Field: Rotavirus, influenza and other vaccines; Diarrhoeal and respiratory disease surveillance; Obesity and child growth; Breastfeeding promotion; Sudden infant death syndrome
Email: tonynelson@cuhk.edu.cn
Chair & Chief of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology
FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow), FRACS, FACS, FHKAM (Surgery), DCH (London & Ireland)
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor (Clinical)
Research Field: Surgical Robotics; Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS); Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology; Children Continence Care; Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Email: ckyeung@cuhk.edu.cn
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor
Research Field: Cancer Biology
Email: yinyuxin@cuhk.edu.cn
Deputy Director of CUHK-Shenzhen Medical Centre Planning Office
Fellow of the International Society of Nephrology
Research Field: Pathogenesis of glomerular diseases, interstitial nephropathies and transplant nephropathies; Researches on extracellular vesicles and liquid biopsy techniques in diabetes and kidney diseases; Molecular diagnosis models and AI techniques of non-communicab
Email: zouhequn@cuhk.edu.cn
Executive Director of CUHK-Shenzhen Medical Centre Planning Office
FRCPC (Canada), FRCP (Ireland), FRCP (Glasgow)
Presidential Chair Professor, Professor (Clinical)
Research Field: Thrombosis & Hemostasis, Platelet Immunology; Evidence-based Health Management; Problem-based, Self-directed Education
Email: howardchan@cuhk.edu.cn
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor, Programme Coordinator of MPhil-PhD Programme in Biomedical Science and Engineering
World's Top 2% Scientist; Member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Inventors, AIMBE fellow of the American Academy of Medical Biological Sciences
X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor, Professor
Research Field: Bioinstrumentation, Bioelectronics, Analytical Chemistry, and BioMEMS, with an emphasis on the development of biosensors including lab-on-a-chip, portable devices and optical probes.
Email: lichenzhong@cuhk.edu.cn
Personal Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenzhong_Li
Director of Lab Animal Center
Professor of Practice
Research Field: Laboratory Animal Sciences, Developmental Biology
Email: chenxuejin@cuhk.edu.cn
Associate Dean of Graduate School; Programme Coordinator of Undergraduate Programme in Biomedical Science and Engineering; Presidential Fellow
World's Top 2% Scientist
Research Field: Biomedical Engineering, Biosensors, Microfluidic paper-based biochips, Flexible wearables, 3D printing, In vitro point-of-care diagnostics, Intelligent nanoparticles and medical devices
Email: liuguozhen@cuhk.edu.cn